Congressman Matt Gaetz: Where In The Hell Is Our Attorney General

“Where in the hell is our Attorney General? We need Attorney General Sessions to step up, do his job, seize control of the nightmare that is this investigation.”

—-Congressman Gaetz calling for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to take control of the Russia investigation

House Judiciary Committee member Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) spoke with Brian Kilmeade about Rod Rosenstein’s testimony. Gaetz believes there is an infection of bias in Mueller’s investigation of President Trump because he is using people who dislike the President and favor Hillary Clinton. Gaetz said that the smoking gun showing bias in the investigation is the revelation that FBI officials working on Mueller’s Russia probe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, shared text messages discussing how to “protect the country from that menace,” referring to President Trump. Congressman Gaetz also spoke about the need for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get involved in the Mueller investigation for bias and asked, “Where in the hell is our Attorney General?” He continued, “It’s time for Bob Muller to put up or shut up,” and show if he has evidence of collusion or not.

Listen here for the full interview:

Congressman Gaetz on Attorney General Jeff Sessions needing to get involved in the Mueller investigation

(Gaetz) The real question we asked Brian is where in the hell is our attorney general? We need Attorney General Sessions to step up, do his job, seize control of the nightmare that is this investigation and let’s get some unbiased people involved in looking at the facts and it’s time for bob Muller to put up or shut up. If he’s got evidence of collusion let’s see it and if he doesn’t let’s move on and get to the issues can improve quality of life for the American people.