Florida Governor Rick Scott On The Ongoing Recovery Efforts in Puerto Rico & Florida

Florida Governor Rick Scott spoke with Brian Kilmeade about his upcoming meeting with President Trump in Washington D.C. to discuss his trip to Puerto Rico and ongoing hurricane recovery efforts, including repairs to the Herbert Hoover Dike that surrounds Lake Okeechobee in Florida. Governor Scott said the big issue in the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Irma in Florida is debris removal and housing issues that were hardest hit in the state. When talking about the biggest issue facing Puerto Rico after the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria, Scott said the need for more trucks and truck drivers to deliver fuel supplies and assets to help assist in restoring power because only 5 % of the people currently have power.

When asked about running for the Senate in 2018, Governor Scott said “I’ve got an existing job, that’s in 2018, this is 2017. Where I am focused now is I am working on the ports, getting things to Puerto Rico. I am working on our schools to make sure our kids can get in state tuition…I am going to help solve problems right now.”

Listen here for the full interview