Rep Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) On President Trump’s “Witch Hunt” Tweet: I Don’t Think It Is Right To Come To A Final Judgment Before All The Evidence Is In

“I am a little bit critical of Donald Trump in that tweet in that he is taking open a new role as the President of the United States, I don’t think it is right to come to a final judgment before all the evidence is in. I was very critical of Barack Obama, remember when he went on with Bill O’Reilly before the Super Bowl, on the IRS scandal and said there is not even a smidgen of corruption. How did he know that, there were 5 open investigations. The same is true for Donald Trump here, it’s going to be the Attorney General of the United States that is going to prosecute somebody if there is enough sufficient evidence to warrant somebody being prosecuted. I don’t think he shouldn’t have done that.”

—-Congressman Jason Chaffetz comparing Donald Trump calling the investigation of possible Russian ties to his associates a “witch hunt” to President Obama saying there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal of targeting conservative groups

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) stopped by Kilmeade & Friends to discuss why it’s unfair for democrats to attack House Intelligence Chairman Congressman Devin Nunes ability to be impartial, President Trump taking on the Freedom Caucus, why he feels republicans are so close to an agreement on repealing Obamacare, and whether he would run for governor or consider running for the Senate if Senator Orin Hatch retires.

Plus, Chaffetz on why he feels President Trump’s tweet calling the investigation of possible Russian ties to his associates a “witch hunt” is the same as President Obama saying there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal of targeting conservative groups.

Watch here:

Jason Chaffetz on why he thinks the republicans are close to an agreement on repealing Obamacare and why he would have voted for Paul Ryan’s Obamacare replacement bill

(Chaffetz) I think we are so close, I really do, we are so, so close and you have seen some movement, you say Ted Poe left the Freedom Caucus. People are free to congregate as they will and make decisions for themselves how they vote. To me it’s a simple decision, do you want Obamacare because if you don’t pass this you get Obamacare in perpetuity or do you take something that is miles and miles better. It’s not perfect, I would have crafted it differently but all the pluses and the wins we get from this, it’s so much better.