John Sununu: I Told Mitt Romney We Cannot Survive A Hillary Presidency

“Individuals have to make their own decisions but if people ask me what they should do and I have talked to Mitt about this, my personal feeling is we cannot, we cannot survive a Clinton presidency. We are on a slippery slope now, she will give this left leaning agenda so much momentum the country will get to a point where it can never recover and that’s why I disagree with even some of my friends.”

—-John Sununu on what he said to Mitt Romney and other republicans about not supporting Donald Trump for president.

John Sununu, former Governor of New Hampshire and former Chief of Staff to President George H.W. Bush, spoke with Kilmeade & Friends to discuss the political fallout after James Comey announced the FBI is reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private server, why all republicans must come together and support Donald Trump, what he personally told Mitt Romney about the dangers of not supporting Trump for president and his feelings about the Bush family voting for Hillary Clinton.

Listen here:

Sununu on Mitt Romney not supporting Donald Trump

(Kilmeade) What do you say to him (Romney) who came out aggressively against Donald Trump, even more aggressive than Barack Obama?

(SUNUNU) I go to the fact that individuals have to make their own decisions but if people ask me what they should do and I have talked to Mitt (Romney) about this, my personal feeling is we cannot, we cannot survive a Clinton presidency. We are on a slippery slope now, she will give this left leaning agenda so much momentum the country will get to a point where it can never recover and that’s why I disagree with even some of my friends.

Sununu on the Bush family voting for Hillary Clinton

(SUNUNU) Jeb came out of a really, personally difficult primary with Donald Trump, I understand it. As a father, when they clobber the hell out of your kid you can sometimes understand that kind of thing but that shouldn’t be either a big plus or a big minus in the game, that’s a family decision, they are going that way. We have to look at the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald trump and look at where the country is going and frankly, I just cannot imagine continuing this horrible slippery slope toward socialism started under Obama.