Senator John Cornyn (R-TX): If Senator Cruz Was Not Prepared To Endorse Trump At the RNC He Should Have Stayed Home

“I think it was a mistake. You don’t come to the convention after you have lost the nomination and not support the nominee. I think the right thing to do would be to stay home. I think it was a mistake and I don’t know what it means to his future but I think he miscalculated.”

— Senator Cornyn on Ted Cruz not endorsing Donald Trump at the RNC

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) called into Kilmeade & Friends to discuss the anniversary of the Iran deal, the Republican & Democrat conventions and explain why he thinks fellow Texas Senator Ted Cruz made a mistake not endorsing Donald Trump at the GOP convention. Cornyn also discussed Harry Reid suggesting the CIA give Trump false intelligence briefings , why securing the border is a more complicated issue than just putting up a wall and why Trump needs to improve his outreach to Hispanics

Plus, Cornyn explains why Trump picking Pence as his VP is a reassuring sign he will surround himself with the right people if elected president

Listen here:

Senator Cornyn on Ted Cruz not endorsing Donald Trump at the RNC

(CORNYN) I think it was a mistake. You don’t come to the convention after you have lost the nomination and not support the nominee. I think the right thing to do would be to stay home. I think it was a mistake and I don’t know what it means to his future but I think he miscalculated.

Senator Cornyn on Trump Picking Pence as his VP

(Kilmeade) What does Mike Pence on the ticket do for Senator John Cornyn?

(CORNYN) That was a real positive move in a lot of people’s eyes, including mine because it demonstrates the type of people Trump will surround himself with which is really important because he has never held political office before, he has never had to govern, he is a business man. Who he selects to surround himself with, if they are more like Mike Pence, that gives people a sense of reassurance.

Cornyn on Trump needing to do better with Hispanics

(CORNYN) There is no secret he can do better among the Hispanics when it comes to voting and indicating his desire to listen to them and their concerns and demonstrate a basic respect that every voter and every person deserves.