Steve Hayes on Debbie Wasserman Schultz Getting Boo-ed Off Stage: She Deserves It, She Got Caught Cheating
Steve Hayes, Senior Writer at The Weekly Standard joined Kilmeade and Friends today live from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. Following a shocking realization that Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz had an apparent anti-Bernie Sanders bias in her operation (uncovered by leaked DNC emails), DWS was booed off stage while addressing Florida delegates in Philadelphia this morning. Regarding DWS, Hayes said, “Frankly, she deserves it. She got caught cheating… They were trying to sabotage Bernie Sanders’ campaign, the DNC, on behalf of Hillary Clinton.”
He continued, “It has the potential I think to do some significant damage that lasts throughout the week, in part because it dovetails so perfectly with Donald Trump’s critique of Hillary Clinton, of politics in general, of how Washington works.”
In a 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley, Hillary Clinton denied knowing anything about the leaked DNC emails. In an online portion of the interview, Pelley asks Clinton if ”any effort by the DNC to favor one candidate or another would have been improper” to which Clinton said ”I don’t have any information about this and can’t answer specifically”.
Referencing his interview with Clinton on CBS this morning Pelley said, “As I was reading the emails to her in the interview her eyes widened as if to say ‘what is this about?’ She seemed genuinely surprised”. Hayes makes the argument that he saw the news break on Friday evening, making it “impossible” for Clinton to not know about this on Saturday when the interview was taped, saying “of course the campaign would’ve made her aware of it”.