Should Andrew Jackson Be Removed From the $20 Dollar Bill? Kilmeade Says No & Lankford Says Yes…

“If you are going to replace somebody on one of the bills, which I have no problem with a lady being on one of the bills, that you would replace the $20. Andrew Jackson has a pretty checkered history. He was a rugged mountain man to say the least but he was also the one that did forcible removal and tens of thousands of Native Americas died on the trail of tears…. So if we are going to remove someone, which I have no problem with doing, then lets do the $20 not the $10, the very first Treasury of the Secretary, Alexander Hamilton.”

—Sen Lankford on why he would remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill in favor of a woman

Senator James Lankford (R-Okla) called into Kilmeade & Friends to discuss the latest on Hillary’s e-mail server and the impact of falling oil prices on oil producing states like Oklahoma. Plus, the Senator debated Brian on why he believes Andrew Jackson should be removed from the $20 dollar bill.

Listen here:

Sen Lankford & Brian Kilmeade debate replacing Andrew Jackson with a woman on the $20 dollar bill

(BRIAN) You know there is a push to get Alexander Hamilton off the $10 dollar bill.

(LANKFORD) That’s correct. The President is pushing to get Alexander Hamilton off the $10.

(BRIAN) And put a woman on there and we don’t even know who.


(BRIAN) So you have a better idea? What’s your idea?

(LANKFORD) Well, my better idea is if you are going to replace somebody on one of the bills, which I have no problem with a lady being on one of the bills, that you would replace the $20. Andrew Jackson has a pretty checkered history. He was a rugged mountain man to say the least but he was also the one that relocated Native American tribes out of all of the south east part of the United States and did forcible removal and tens of thousands of Native Americas died on the trail of tears and other things. So if we are going to remove someone, which I have no problem with doing, then let do the $20 not the $10, the very first Treasury of the Secretary, Alexander Hamilton.

(BRIAN) But you know Andrew Jackson did some very good things. In terms of a general, without the battle of New Orleans, the War of 1812 doesn’t end like it did. That was one of America’s all-time greatest victories. I think he was a fine president, he was the first everyman president to get elected, he was orphaned as a child. His life story was a great American story even though not everything is perfect.

(LANKFORD) True. And I would tell you not everything in my life is perfect as well to say the least. Let me give you one thing you left out of there, Andrew Jackson was the last president when the country had no debt at all. Under Andrew Jackson was the last time we were totally balanced, no debt at all. It has been a long time since our nation has been out of debt. So not everything is bad in that but I would say there are pretty stark parts of that presidency that do stand out that we look back on and it doesn’t mean Andrew Jackson is off everything, he has been on the $20 for a long time but if we are going to replace somebody who is on that list of folks on current bills right now, my choice is Andrew Jackson.