McCain: Comparisons Between Himself & Jeb Bush May Not Be Totally Accurate

�I think there was very little doubt that these were a series of gotcha questions� We have a world in chaos, we have deficits and debts we are laying on our children�.with all that, we have questions about fantasy football.�

—Senator McCain�s criticism of the CNBC GOP debate moderators

Senator John McCain (R-AZ), called into Kilmeade & Friends to discuss the latest GOP debate, his take on Christie, Graham, Bush & Kasich, comparisons between him and Jeb Bush, the latest on Syria, Russia and Hillary saying republicans are playing politics with the VA scandal.

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Were you appalled at what you saw at the CNBC GOP debate or are the candidates overreacting?

�I think there was very little doubt that these were a series of gotcha questions and I think it was crystallized by Chris Christie when he was asked about fantasy football. We have a world in chaos, we have deficits and debts we are laying on our children�.with all that we have questions about fantasy football.�

Does the debate format need to be changed?

�I think it needs to be more fair, more objective. I am not sure how you change the format to be honest with you, it�s all up to the individual� I am not sure you need to change the format but you certainly need to have people who are not interested in just trying to entrap. The voters in America are looking for where they stand on the major issues of the day.�

McCain on the comparison when he ran for president and was trailing in the polls to Jeb Bush at this point in the election cycle.

�There is never an exact comparison but I would also like to compare that with my friend Lindsey Graham because as the world continues to deteriorate into chaos, in my view there is clearly one person with the experience and the knowledge and the background to hit the ground running.�

Do you think it�s a stretch to say Jeb Bush can have the same kind of comeback you did in the 2008 primary?

�Oh no. Listen, you have got to be a happy warrior, you have got to be optimistic, you can�t be down. I think he has still got a sterling record as governor of the state of Florida and I think he is a very decent man. I just think it�s very wide open. It�s nice to draw comparisons, they may not be totally accurate but I give him credit for trying, I give all of them credit. It�s a very grinding experience, it�s a very tough one so I can�t criticize Jeb Bush, I like him very much. As a governor he has a proven record and not all of those candidates do.�

On Chris Christie

�I like Chris Christie�s attitude. Didn�t you like it when he was leaning forward on the podium? That�s New Jersey for you.�

On John Kasich

�John Kasich and I have been friends for many, many years. He is a successful governor of a very important big state. Every one of these people have something to offer.�