Fox & Food: The Original Thanksgiving Meal
To turn out an authentic Thanksgiving meal circa 1620, we turned to an expert. Fox News Radio’s Lilian Huang Woo gets tips from Chef Warren Baird of Chapter One in New York City which serves up monthly historic dinners. Take a LISTEN:

courtesy: Chapter One
Indian Pudding
(courtesy Chapter One)
5 oz cornmeal (by weight)
2 qt milk, scalded
4 ea eggs, beaten
2 cu maple syrup
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp salt
2 oz butter, melted
½ cu sour cream
1 cu heavy cream
- Bring milk just to a simmer, then whisk in the cornmeal, stirring constantly until thickened.
- Combine beaten eggs, syrup, spices and salt in a mixing bowl. Whisk in the milk slowly, then the melted butter. Pour into a baking dish, cover with plastic wrap and foil and bake 1 hour @ 300F. Remove from oven, allow to cool uncovered 30 minutes at room temperature, then covered in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or overnight.
- For topping, whisk heavy cream and sour cream together until thickened.
- To serve, whisk pudding briefly to make smooth, then spoon into a bowl and garnish with a dollop of the topping.
Follow Lilian Woo on Twitter: @LilianNY
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