Kilmeade Kondensed 5/16/14 (Audio) Former MLB Umpire Al Clark On His Over 20 Year Career, PLUS: Charles Hurt On Hillary Clinton & The VA Scandal

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Author of “Spartan Up! A Take-No-Prisoners Guide to Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Peak Performance in Life” JOE DESENA was in the studio with Brian to talk about his book and explain what what the Spartan program entails. Joe is worried that entrepreneurship in America is fading, adding we have to make life rougher. Comfort stunts growth. You grow when you put yourself against the wall.


Brian opened the second hour talking about the latest in Ukraine and the upcoming elections there with Greg Pallkot, FNC London-based senior foreign affairs correspondent. Greg said the voters are being intimidated by the Russians, adding that the Russian secret service have been going to Ukraine pretending to be Ukrainians wanting to rejoin Russia. Greg told Brian that while Putin does not want to take over Ukraine he wants to invalidate next weeks election and destabilize the country. On the question if America is doing enough to help out in Ukraine, Greg does not believe America is doing enough. Greg pointed out that Kiev is now a transitional government with the backing of America and NATO but they are incompetent with a withered “slap-dash” military.

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Mike Vaccaro-Sportswriter for the NY Post joined Brian with the latest on LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling vowing to fight the NBA. Vaccaro said Sterling doesn’t care about his reputation. He is dug in for a fight. On the potential for a players strike next season if Sterling is still owner of the Clippers, Vaccaro told Brian it will be interesting to see how far the players will go in their strike threat. Will they give up their millions? Plus Brian and Vaccaro spoke about the ongoing NBA playoffs.

FNC’s CHRIS STIREWALT joined Brian to talk about the bi-partisan outrage over the VA’s treatment of military patients. Stirewalt said there must be consequences in VA scandal. Stirewalt also touched on the Benghazi select committee and Hillary Clintons health issues.


CHARLES HURT, political columnist for The Washington Times called in to talk about Hillary Clinton and whether health issues will prevent her run for president in 2016. Charles said he wouldn’t be surprised if Hillary doesn’t run for president. In Charles opinion Bill Clinton has done a lot to embarrass the family and it will be brought up if Hillary runs for president.

AL CLARK, former MLB umpire and author of “Called Out but Safe: A Baseball Umpire’s Journey” was in studio with Brian to talk about his book and his over 20 year career umpiring in the American League. Clark who was one of the umpires when Cal Ripken broke Lou Gherig’s record for most consecutive games played told Brian it was a magnificent experience to be a part of that game. Ripken helped bring back fans to baseball after the strike season of 1994. Clark added it was only time he can remember when 4 umpires applauded during a game. Clark was very honest about the mistakes he made that led to him being fired by MLB as an umpire and the mistakes that landed him in jail. On Derek Jeter, Clark said if he had a son he would want him to be like Jeter. He said Jeter is a true professional.

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