KK: (AUDIO) Actor and producer RICKY SCHRODER Calls from Afghanistan with the Latest from America’s Longest Running War


Actor and producer RICKY SCHRODER called Brian from the Joint Command HQ in Kabul, Afghanistan and talked about why he made the journey to visit our troops.  Mr. Schroder said that he wanted to make the trip to see with his own eyes what our service members are going through to protect our country. He also explained that the April 15 elections in Afghanistan hold a lot of uncertainty and has been very touched to hear all the heart felt “thank yous” from the people he has meet. Mr. Schroder will also make his way back to Afghanistan in May to document the transition of America leaving and transitioning the war over to the Afghans.

“Fox & Friends” co-host ELISABETH HASSELBECK dropped by the studio to talk about the news of the day including Ukraine, missing flight 370 and Obamacare.

TIM SHAW, engineer and host of The National Geographic Channel Series “None Of The Above” talked to Brian about his new show  where he conducts a series of ?man-on-the-street? experiments that involve science, physics and engineering, all of which will blow your mind or make you hold your breath. 


REP. TED POE (TX-02) dropped by and talked to Brian about what we can do to curtail Russia’s aggression. He talked about the bill he brought forward to expedite natural gas exports to Europe to further punish and hurt Russia’s economy

JOHN LUCICH, licensed commercial pilot and former state criminal investigator, talked to about the latest news on missing flight 370. He talked about some of the possible theories regarding the plane and debunked some of the theories being brought forth.

GEN JACK KEANE retired Four-star General and Former Vice Chief of Staff of the Army talked about the Ukraine crisis and what options President Obama has and the mistakes he has made in dealing with Russia.


Writer and TV commentator JOE CONCHA and Brian talked about the media frenzy concerning the missing Malaysian airplane and wondered how if media outlets will be able to smoothly switch from 24 hour coverage if the plane is never found.