To My Loyal Kilmeade & Friends Listeners:
I need YOUR help!� As of January 1st, 2013, Kilmeade and Friends, along with all other FOX News Talk programming, may no longer be on XM Radio.� If you enjoy listening to me in the morning and don�t want our conversations to end, YOU can help me! Contact Sirius XM and let them know how you feel.� Hopefully together we can change their mind.
- CALLSIRIUS XM: Dial 1-(800)-XMRADIO (967-2346), and when prompted, say �listener care,� and then say �question.�
- FACEBOOK SIRIUS XM: Go to https://www.facebook.com/siriusxm and write on their wall.
- TWEET SIRIUS XM: If you have a twitter account, tweet @SiriusXM and tell them you don�t want FOX News Talk to leave the airwaves!
- GO TO THE SIRIUS XM WEBSITE: Go to http://www.siriusxm.com/contactus if you want to e-mail Sirius XM or use their live chat feature.
Warmest Regards,
Brian Kilmeade