To My Loyal Kilmeade & Friends Listeners:

I need YOUR help!  As of January 1st, 2013, Kilmeade and Friends, along with all other FOX News Talk programming, may no longer be on XM Radio.  If you enjoy listening to me in the morning and don’t want our conversations to end, YOU can help me! Contact Sirius XM and let them know how you feel.  Hopefully together we can change their mind.

  1. CALLSIRIUS XM: Dial 1-(800)-XMRADIO (967-2346), and when prompted, say “listener care,” and then say “question.”
  2. FACEBOOK SIRIUS XM: Go to https://www.facebook.com/siriusxm and write on their wall.
  3. TWEET SIRIUS XM: If you have a twitter account, tweet @SiriusXM and tell them you don’t want FOX News Talk to leave the airwaves!
  4. GO TO THE SIRIUS XM WEBSITE: Go to http://www.siriusxm.com/contactus if you want to e-mail Sirius XM or use their live chat feature.

Warmest Regards,

Brian Kilmeade