Brian’s Opening Thoughts

Is President Obama campaigning around the clock a sign of panic? Brian thinks so! With less than two weeks to go before the election and the country in a dead heat between Obama and Romney, Brian is in full election mode, and ready to talk politics with today’s guests.

Hour One

FOX News Political Analyst Joe Trippi gives Brian his opinion about the swings states and thinks that Obama has a better handle on them than Romney does.  Trippi thinks that Obama spent a lot of time building an organization within the swings states, while Romney couldn’t because he was busy with primaries.  He also weighs in on how the women votes will play out in the election.

“I USED TO BE A GREAT ADMIRER OF COLIN POWELL,” were the words Senator John McCain chose to use when asked about the former Secretary of State. Although once a supporter, McCain gave a new message to Powell today on Kilmeade and Friends: “General Powell, you disappoint us, and you have harmed your legacy even further by defending what has clearly been the most feckless foreign policy in my lifetime.”

Listen to McCain’s Message to Powell Here

Hour Two

After tackling the more pressing problems of the newsroom and fixing Brian’s TV remote, co-host of FOX & Friends Steve Doocy talks to Brian about Donald Trump offering to give $5 Million to a charity of President Obama’s choice if he releases his college records.

Douglas Brunt, author of “Ghosts of Manhattan” and spouse of FOX News Channel’s own, Megyn Kelly, talks to Brian about his New York Times bestselling book.  Brunt told Brian the whole process he went through in writing his book, exactly what the title of his book means, and more.

Watch Brian Interview with Brunt Here

Hour Three

“SHE SHOULD HAVE ASKED WHAT THE BACKUP INFORMATION WAS.” Ambassador John Bolton weighed in on the Benghazi attacks and told Brian what he would do if he were in Ambassador Susan Rice’s shoes. Bolton said that Rice should have asked for information backing the claims that the attacks were spontaneous before she went to multiple news outlets.

Watch the Interview with Ambassador Bolton here

FOX Light’s Michael Tammero wrapped up today’s show with Brian by talking about Cipriani’s Angel Ball Gala, a big event he covered that included stars like Ivana Trump, Wendy Williams, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West and more.  Tammero also weighed in on the drama surrounding on American Idol, and more.

Watch the Interview with Michael Tammero here