A Simple Wish for My Country

The Census confirmed this week once again what we already have known for some time.

A trend will soon lead to whites being a minority in America after a continued huge increase in non-white births.

This isn’t reason to be alarmed. This isn’t IN AND OF ITSELF bad news.

I just have a simple wish for my country.

Whether you are black or white, home grown or from another land, young or old…


Communicate in ENGLISH…at least in the public forums and when dealing with your government and fellow citizens.

Make THIS your country…not a place to stay while you long for your native country…

Learn what made this country the greatest that has ever been. And work hard to keep it so…

Value our institutions and traditions that define us from the rest of the world…

Work harder, complain less, blame no one but yourself…

If you think there is a greater place to live, by all means, live there!

I care not about your race or ethnicity…

I just care that you love America and truly want to be here.