No Wonder California Is Bankrupt…Another Costly Mistake

Think  of all the stupid mistakes you have made in your job. Go ahead. We’ve all made them.

OK. Now this will probably make you feel better.

I bet your worse mistake (or ONE of your worst mistakes) couldn’t POSSIBLY measure up to the latest California BLUNDER.

The Department of Health Care Services made a boo boo last week when it mailed out just under 50,000 letters to recipients of adult day care services.

The mistake?

They accidentally printed the Social Security numbers of these tens of thousands of people–on the the OUTSIDE of the ENVELOPE on their address labels!



Well, luckily identity theft isn’t a major problem in America. Oh wait, it is.

The mistake has cost the already crippled state of California $50,000, which hopefully will be repaid by the numskulls who did this.

But hey, let’s keep that in perspective! That would barely send an illegal alien through college, right?

The Department is trying to look on the bright side, too. They say the 9 digit numbers don’t have any hyphens, so they might not be thought to be Social Security numbers at all!

Sorry. People just aren’t that dumb.

Even in my sunny home state of California.