Wow its getting hard to watch those scenes out of Haiti..I know we will save thousands but was hopin…

Wow its getting hard to watch those scenes out of Haiti..I know we will save thousands but was hoping we could have found a way to get on the ground quicker..I also know if our military cant do it no military could…Just to know 10 of thousands are buried in rubble and hours from death and feel helpless….well like you its rough to think about…

I can’t believe the velocity of the deals and payoffs being made in the white house top secret health care talks. Now the President is involved in every aspect of it and is demanding a deal get done..I think the Dems are closer but yet far away..and who knows if the deal they cut will be one that the senate and house accept.

This Tax on Wall Street..will kill New York and Mayor Bloomberg is speaking up. There Is just no way Senator Schumer could support the health care bill or the wall street tax and say he represents the interests for all New Yorkers.