Feels Great, Means Nothing!

That is my official beer slogan for the White House Beer Summit–Feels Great, Means Nothing!

Yes, it’s a spoof of a famous beer jingle. And it is oh so true.

Yesterday, President Obama sat with Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the officer who arrested him outside his home in Cambridge recently, Sergeant James Crowley.

They were joined by Vice President Biden who I believe (cannot be confirmed) was seen drinking “Foot In Mouth” Ale.

What a ridiculous spectacle. They even munched on snacks. How cool is THAT!


Poor Sergeant Crowley pretty much admitted in a news conference he gave following the Hops Homecoming that nothing was really accomplished by this.

And the part that sealed it for me? Apart from the President drinking the barely indigestible Bud Light (no offense, but I wouldn’t give that beer to Al Qaeda…wouldn’t want another investigation into cruel and unusual punishment).

Crowley admitted that NO ONE APOLOGIZED.

Let me do the math here…

Officer Crowley was doing his job…if you bother actually READING the law about disorderly conduct, you will see that contrary to what your favorite leftist blogger in pajamas says, Gates more than fit the bill for that offense.

Gates was difficult from the moment Gates arrived, going on an irrational racial tirade, truly exhibiting the racist behavior that Crowley was only accused of. He was rude, loud, and uncooperative. Three things you should never be when a police officer just wants you to calm down.

And then President Obama had to step in it by speaking without knowing–a dangerous offense for anyone. He commented on a case he clearly knew NOTHING about, insisting the Cambridge Police acted “stupidly”, when in fact, they were not.

SO…let’s add this up…

Gates was CLEARLY in the WRONG. So was the President. Crowley did his job.

And yet Gates and Obama did not offer an apology to Crowley.

What arrogance. Honestly. What ARROGANCE.

At least Crowley’s family got a tour of the White House and Gates got to hang out with his friend, the President.

And Biden wasn’t able to insult anyone’s intelligence by sitting there joining them.

Just think of the HELL that Bush would have gotten for trying to smooth race relations over cheap beer (non-alcoholic even). He would have easily been labeled naive and insulting.

They ought to brew a special label for yesterday’s Beer Summit.

Feels Great, Means Nothing would be an appropriate name.

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