Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Announces Class of 2016

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has chosen its class of 2016…

FOX News’ Michelle Pollino tells you who is in:

(Chicago) “Does anybody really know what time it is?”

This is the first year that Chicago, Cheap Trick

(Steve Miller) “Some people call me the space cowboy…”

And Steve Miller were nominated…

(Deep Purple) “Smoke on the water.”

While both Deep Purple and rap pioneers N.W.A. have appeared before on the ballot…

(N.W.A.) “Straight outta Compton.”

All will be honored at the 31st annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in Brooklyn’s Barclay Center, April 8.

HBO will film the ceremony for broadcast later in the spring and the Hall of Fame in Cleveland will open a special exhibit on the 2016 inductees in conjunction with the ceremony.

Michelle Pollino, FOX News.