VIRAL VIDEOS: Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance, The Tonight Show Sings “Let It Go”, and Pres. Obama and Vice Pres. Biden MOVE


Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“President Obama and Vice President Biden Show Us How They Move.”

As part of First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” campaign, President Obama and Vice President Biden show Americans how they work out in this White House sponsored fitness video.  The President and Vice President work-up a sweat by jogging around the White House in business attire.  There is even a brief cameo by the First Dogs Bo and Sunny, who look understandably confused.  The pair conclude their rigorous and motivational conditioning routine with a couple tall glasses of ice water.

Then, there’s this:

“Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel & The Roots Sing ‘Let It Go.'”

Fresh from her stunning Oscar performance… despite John Travolta butchering her name – singer Idina Menzel performs this cute and quirky rendition of the Academy Award winning song “Let It Go” on the Tonight Show.  Host Jimmy Fallon, joined by The Roots get funky using ordinary classroom instruments for the accompaniment, creating a surprisingly fresh take on the song from Disney’s Frozen that’s been parodied ad nauseam for the past several months.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance.”

Perhaps it’s a troubling sign of the times when this vintage clip from 1969 of legendary comedian Red Skelton is trending on Facebook.  May be Americans are looking for inspiration and to find it, they are turning to the past.  In any event, it’s one of his most famous routines.  Skelton breaks down what the Pledge of Allegiance means before foreshadowing on a growing controversy about the separation of church and state.

For these videos and more, go to

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

Follow Lauren on Twitter:  @FaulknerFOXNews