12 Years Later: Remembering September 11th [VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Alejandra Villa, Pool)
(AP Photo/Alejandra Villa, Pool)

Twelve years since the attacks on September 11th, and today we remember.

FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso reports from New York:

Loved ones of victims of the September 11th attacks gathering at the Pentagon, a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania and here in New York commemorating 12 years since America was changed forever.

(Family Member of Victim) “Uncle Teddy, even though I never met you I know you’re looking down on me today. I love you and say hi to Papa for me. God bless America.”

Sept 11 Anniversary
(AP Photo/Stan Honda, Pool)

This little girl’s uncle, fire fighter Edward James White III, one of hundreds of first responders killed at Ground Zero that today is a place of peace where resilience and strength shine in the new tower that stands tall today.

In New York, Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.

Chuck Hagel, Barack Obama, Martin Dempsey

President Obama spoke at the Pentagon this morning, remembering the 9/11 attacks.

FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the Pentagon: