FOR SALE: One Vial of Reagan’s Blood

    UPDATE: This auction has been called off. The seller has decided to donate the vial to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation.

    A British auction house is selling a vial of blood from a former President, but Ronald Reagan’s family and friends are trying to clot the bidding.

    FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal reports:

    PFC Auctions says they’re auctioning off a vial of President Ronald Reagan’s blood.  It apparently belonged to a man whose mother worked as a lab tech in Maryland.  She died and the son decided to sell it.

    He says the vial contains the President’s dried blood from after he was shot by John Hinckley, Jr. outside the Washington Hilton Hotel over three decades ago.

    Reagan’s son, Michael, says this is all bogus, that his father suffered internal – not external – bleeding.  Officials at the Reagan Library say if true, they will use legal means to stop the bidding.

    Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.