FBI Adds New Face to ‘Most Wanted’ List

    There is a new fugitive on the FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ list. Who now holds the spot that once belonged to Usama bin Laden?

    FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:

    You have to be a pretty bad guy to take Usama bin Laden’s place, and the FBI says Eric Justin Toth is. Accused of not just possessing but also producing child pornography:

    (Johnson) “We’ve got him on the top 10 list, which is going to afford us, obviously, much more exposure to locate him.”

    The FBI’s Manuel Johnson.

    Toth was a private school teacher in Washington DC when child porn images were found on a camera in 2008.

    Also known as David Bussone, the FBI says Toth may advertise his services as a tutor or a male nanny. While he takes bin Laden’s spot on the ‘Most Wanted’ list, the FBI has yet to replace Whitey Bulger, the mobster captured last year.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.