Joe Lieberman: Hillary Clinton’s Two Biggest Mistakes As Secretary Were The Russian Reset & The Iran Nuclear Deal

“I think she has some good instincts on foreign policy…but they made two big bets in foreign policy, both of which in my opinion failed, one was on resetting relations with Russia, they rest them but in the wrong direction because Putin took advantage of what he took to be Obama’s withdrawal of leadership in the world. The second was to make the deal with Iran about nuclear weapons which was a terrible agreement, basically legitimizes their path to nuclear weapons when he had them desperate for an agreement and we didn’t use our leverage and gave them all that money that they are using to build up their strength and support their terrorist allies. … The thing I am most upset with her about is that she did play a role and still defends the Iran nuclear agreement which I think will come back to haunt us and everybody else in the Middle East.”

—Joe Lieberman on Hillary Clinton’s two biggest failures as Secretary of State

Former Vice Presidential candidate and Connecticut Senator, Joe Lieberman, spoke with Kilmeade & Friends about last night’s presidential debate, the two biggest failures of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State and why he can’t defend her use of a private server.

Plus, Lieberman on whether Al Gore campaigning for Hillary will help or hurt her and his thoughts on Senators McCain & Graham pulling their support from Donald Trump

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Joe Lieberman on the 2 biggest failures Hilary Clinton made as Secretary of State

(Kilmeade) What do you make of Hilary Clinton the candidate? The more you review her years as secretary of state, there is very little accomplishment there. We see the Middle east is in a historic mess. Taking the missile defense shield out of Europe, that’s her. Resetting Russia, that’s her. Joe If you are looking at a report card, what do you grade her?

(LIEBERMAN) I got to tell you and this is a moment, I have been a democrat all my life until the democrats chased me out of the senate nomination in Connecticut, I won as an independent, I am a moderate democrat, an independent democrat, it says a lot about where the democrat party is today and everything is relative Brian, Hillary Clinton is probably the most moderate democrat the party would nominate relatively speaking so I think she has some good instincts on foreign policy, obviously better than Bernie Sanders with all respect and you have to say also she was working with President Obama but they made 2 big bets in foreign policy, both of which in my opinion failed, one was on resetting relations with Russia, the rest them but in the wrong direction because Putin took advantage of what he took to be Obama’s withdrawal of leadership in the world. The second was to make the deal with Iran about nuclear weapons which was a terrible agreement, basically legitimizes their path to nuclear weapons when he had them desperate for an agreement and we didn’t use our leverage and gave them all that money that they are using to build up their strength and support their terrorist allies. I think from all I know, she tried to get the Obama administration more active in preventing the catastrophe in Syria but Obama overrode her, didn’t do it. She did advocate to go after Gadhafi which I thought was a good thing but once again we let it be after we overthrew the guy. The thing I am most upset with her about is that she did play a role and still defends the Iran nuclear agreement which I think will come back to haunt us and everybody else in the Middle East. The next president has to restore in the Middle East and elsewhere but beginning in the Middle East, the confidence and trust our allies have in us and put some fear in our enemies which they don’t have now.