Hired! Job Searching?


Need a job but don’t know where to search? Who is hiring?

FOX Business Network’s Cheryl Casone has some answers in this week’s “Hired!”:

Getting you Hired! I’m Cheryl Casone with the FOX Business Network.

Party City is looking to party with 20,000 seasonal hires. The country’s largest party supply store will be hiring through the end of October. Employees are encouraged to wear costumes to work. They are looking for people from all walks of life in several cities.

Convergys provides technical support and sales support for other companies. They will hire 4,000 by the end of the month, 10,000 by end of year. 79% of managers promoted from within that company.

Zulily is an online retailer providing flash sales, sometimes 100 per day. Software developers, customer reps, and buyers. Employees get discounts and the chance to model items for the website, their kids too. Ohio, Reno, Pennsylvania, and Seattle.

And finally, Welcomemat services is a marketing company providing direct mail packages to people who recently changed their address. They will create at least 50 jobs. Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Tampa, Charlotte, and across California.

For more on these opportunities, go to casoneexchange.com.

I’m Cheryl Casone with the FOX Business Network for FOX News Radio.

Follow Cheryl on Twitter: @cherylcasone

Click HERE for more “Hired!”