Rehabbing Rescued Fighting Dogs


    (Courtesy: Humane Society of the United States)
    (Courtesy: Humane Society of the United States)

    Hundreds of dogs have been rounded up in a cross country raid by the FBI recently. Those dogs were bred for fighting as gamblers place their bets to see which dog produces the most bloodshed.

    Over 360 dogs were found by agents at sites where animals were being bred and fought in Alabama, Texas, Georgia and other states. They seized a half million dollars in cash as well as guns in connection with those raids.

    (Courtesy: Humane Society of the United States)
    (Courtesy: Humane Society of the United States)

    The ASPCA and Humane Society have been working with the FBI, helping round up and care for the dogs. But once a dog has gotten a taste for a blood sport… Can it ever be trained to be a mentally stable, physically healthy companion animal?

    FOX News Radio’s Jill Nado spoke with a rehabber for the Humane Society of the United States, Daisy Balawejder, who serves as the charity’s dog-fighting rescue coalition coordinator. For security purposes, Balawejder cannot reveal her location.

    Take a LISTEN as FOX News Radio’s Jill Nado speaks with Daisy Balawejder of the HSUS: