Housecall for Health: Can Cord Blood Cure Autism?
Hopeful news for parents of children with autism: Scientists are attempting to get rid of at least some of the symptoms of autism using umbilical cord blood. The new study is being introduced by the Sutter Institute of Neuroscience.
FOX News Radio’s Marghiee Teshineh has details in today’s “Housecall for Health”:
Researchers announced the beginning of an FDA-approved clinical trial that uses blood from a newborn’s umbilical cord to cure autism. The children lined up for the study will have no obvious genetic link for the developmental disorder, so doctors hope the infusions will modify the child’s nervous system or immune system.
The idea came after scientists saw the effects cord blood had in curing children with cerebral palsy.
Housecall for Health, I’m Marghiee Teshineh, FOX News Radio.